Milecastle Projects has been built to manage a wide-reaching range of development and project consultancy services, acting as your trusted partner for end-to-end development and asset management.


Acquisition & Transaction 

Inspections, acquisition support, and due diligence

Feasibility studies and scoping appraisals

Bid and pitch document preparation

Transaction negotiation support

Development agreement legal project management

Asset and property management aligning with project delivery requirements

Delivery & Execution

Appointment of design and professional team consultants

Development of strategy planning

Project management of design and cost point through the RIBA Stages

Planning, Rights of Light, Neighbourly Matters, Stakeholder consultation management

Tendering and procurement

Project and cost management through the construction phase

PC, handover, building launch, and snagging

Commercial & Asset

Marketing and leasing strategy planning and management

Management of leasing, and legal transaction support

Ongoing asset management services

Disposal assistance


Flexible Workspace Consultancy and Management Agreement ServiceS

Asset strategy review and repositioning scheme feasibility

Development services to planning pre-app stage

Asset management services to align with project/sale strategy

Preparation of investment sales deck with agent, inclusive of value-add/refit vision opportunities

Audit and preparation of investment sale data room documentation

Full-service operating partnership solutions

Delivery for and operation on behalf of landlords and investors

Creating white label flex-space from fit-out, marketing, launch, sales and ongoing operational management

Asset Strategy Reviews: Redevelop, Retrofit, Dispose

Building selection viability

Appraisal and commercial model advice

Design and project management services

Commercial and transaction management assistance: Heads of Terms, Agreement for Lease, Management Agreement

Introductions to appropriate specialist consultant and operating partners

Where required and commercially appropriate in the project stage, we introduce and engage suitable professional team specialists to support each of the activities listed above.